
The ingredients may not be a secret, but the doses, and the preparation procedure, are.

The Azzaretti family has kept the true recipe of Varzi's Almond Cake for more than sixty years. The handed down tradition has it that certain gestures and procedures are meticulously repeated.

The almond is a source of energy, fiber and vitamins; they say it is the keeper of the elixir of youth ..

and then, an almond a day ... why not?

We produce three sizes for Almond Cakes:

  • Large about 600gr
  • Average about 400gr
  • Small "La Mandorlina" about 200gr

The ingredients used for the preparation of the Varzi Almond Cake are:

  • Flour type 1 from local grains,
  • Butter from local dairy,
  • Eggs from free-range hens and from an eco-sustainable breeding,
  • Italian sugar.
  • Apulian almonds,

Unfortunately, due to climate change and the presence of intensive cultivation of other types of products, the quantity of almond groves on our territory, once very flourishing, has drastically reduced in recent decades. But the Varzesi still wanted to carry on the tradition of the grandmothers who had handed down the recipe from their ancestors from generation to generation.

The Almond Cake was born here because the Saracens in medieval times had planted these wonderful plants that delight us with their beautiful flowers in spring.

We are the first to have added new ingredients to the classic Almond Cake, thus creating the Almond Cake with Cocoa and the Almond Cake with Raisins, a fantastic combination.

These new ingredients enhance the flavor of almonds even more and if combined with the right wines they become a unique and inimitable dessert!